The carrying on of traditions is a way we share our special times from our lives with our own children. Traditions take me back in time. I wonder what life was really like for my Mom when she made me my stocking. What did she think about as she hand-stitched each of the letters of my name?
I suppose some traditions don’t start when we’re children. My Mom’s family didn’t have stockings hanging by the chimney. But it is a something I carried on with my children.
My girls have started their own traditions with their families that bring out lots of excitement and wonder with my grandchildren.
What traditions does your family do? Are they things you’ve carried on from childhood or new things you started as an adult?
Be blessed this holiday season!
My dad would read The Night Before Christmas to all three of us each year on Christmas Eve. We would all beg for him to read it several times. When my daughter was old enough for me to begin the same tradition, I continued this tradition with her. Soon it will be her turn to carry the tradition on.
That sounds so wonderful Debra! And how exciting for you to get to see that tradition carried with your grand baby in the near future!
It’s so very exciting!
Old or new…traditions are memories!-Laurel
Yes they are! ?