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a family favorite

_MG_7648Since my girls were young, I’ve been making this coffee cake. Baking is something I’ve always loved. This moist, crumbly recipe that I found in my Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook quickly became a favorite and staple in our home. In the early days, I made it because flour didn’t cost much and I could whip up a super delicious (but not nutritious!) breakfast for my girls.

family favorite

It’s rare that I make it these days. Jim leaves for work early and the girls are grown and have their own families now and since I’m now needing to eat gluten free, I pretty much stopped all baking until recently. So, I thought I’d share this recipe with you and maybe you’ll try it for your family. I tried it with gluten free flour and a little xanthum gum and I can now eat it again!

This is the recipe out of the cookbook but doubled. That’s the way I always made it. I also switched out white sugar for brown.

Coffee Cake copy_MG_7649 a



What’s your ‘family favorite’ recipe? I’d love to hear and even get a recipe in the comments! 🙂

So now, a hot cup of tea and a delicious slice of coffee cake.

Thanks for stopping by …



