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looking back on 2017

Or maybe I should say looking forward to 2018 ... this time of year we tend to do both. Looking back is good if we can enjoy and learn from what went on in the previous year. It's been a good and full year for me. I do look with excitement though at what God has for me in 2018! How has your year ... READ the POST

how I made this photo

A little tutorial is always kind of interesting ... don't you think? On this photo, I used a couple of different techniques and came up with this diffused light sort of look. I posted it on Instagram a few days ago and people seem to like it. So, read on for a few details you might want to try out. ... READ the POST

one word

If you could choose just one word that would be your word for the year, what would it be? This is something I started a few years back and it's become a tradition that I love. I heard about it through a devotional I read on my Bible app. ... READ the POST


It feels good to be home ... it's always so great to get away, but home is just so nice. Don't you agree? ... READ the POST


The days were icy cold for this California girl, who came with a warm sweater and scarf as her winter gear. Taking one suitcase didn't allow for more. So, I figured I'd layer up. I didn't know we'd be spending an evening on one of the coldest days yet walking around town. But I was excited because ... READ the POST
