Four things to consider when putting together a flatlay.
- What is the purpose of this flatlay?
- To showcase a particular piece
- To create a mood
- To show a theme
- A season
- Begin with a simple background … one that won’t compete with the other pieces but also makes sense. Your decision with number one will help determine what the background will be.
- A white board
- Simple wood
- Cement,
- Blanket, etc.
- Starting with the main piece, put your items down on your background
- Make sure all the items make sense in the layout
- Place your items so that there’s some rhythm - movement - to the layout
4. Add or take away
- Using a critical eye, either add or take away from your set up.
- Move things around
Once I’ve got my set up the way I want it, I always leave it out while I go upload them to my computer. Somehow looking at the items on the screen can help me to see where even slight changes need to be made. Leaving the items set up make it easy to go back and make adjustments.
Here are a few examples of flat lays that I’ve done.