The plan was that everything we gave to Mom we got to keep. Most of my gifts to Mom were gift cards so she could pick out what she wanted. And so I was disappointed, yet fine at the same time. I knew, and Mom always told me how impractical it would be to take things home.
We talked about wearing a piece of her jewelry at her memorial service, so we were looking through her things. My heart just about jumped out of my body when I saw the locket that she always wore and remembered that I bought it for her! As I picked it up, I exclaimed 'I bought her this!' ... so much joy ... just over a locket. But I am thrilled to have it and to share it with you here on this day we celebrate our Mom's.
I celebrate my Mom. She was a strong woman. She was full of love and not quite sure how to express it. She was a woman with a story that she shared with us throughout her life. Not in stories she told us, but in the way she handled life's happenings.
What story are you seeing lived out in the lives of those you love? What are they 'telling you' without telling you? Sometimes it's good to read between the lines. 🙂
Mom loved me and I loved her. I cherish this locket ... she cherished it too ... she wore it often. ❤️💔
I'll miss her forever ... until we meet in heaven.