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Just the idea of lemonade takes me back to my childhood and hot summer days spending time with my grandma. She always served lemonade.

It could be either pink or yellow like an actual lemon. How do they make it pink? I suppose with dyes. As a child, there was always a pitcher of it and the pitcher had pretty ice floating at the top. My glass may have had an ice cube in it if it happened to spill out of the pitcher as it was poured.

Today's post though is not to necessarily talk about lemonade, but to give you a little gift of a preset that I've called Lemonade.

The images below show both a before and after image using the preset I created, inspired by this image that has both pink and yellow flowers in it. As you can see by the end result, it's a light and airy type of preset.

Click the image to the right to download your preset.

As with all presets, you can make adjustments. The lighting in your image will make a difference in how the preset looks, so feel free to make adjustments. I'd love to see what your final image looks like. If you upload it to Instagram, you can tag me @sixteenmilesout and use the hashtag #sixteenmilesout_lrpresets .

I hope you enjoy it!

Always Carolyn

