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Making the Most of Natural Light

(3 customer reviews)


Learn natural light in this short course that begins on February 3, 2020.

SKU: MtMNL Category: Tags: , , ,


This short course will help you make the most of natural light in all of your still life photography. We’ll go over areas from finding the right location to what you can do to enhance the natural light found in your home. For more information, click here.

The course is currently set up to do at your own pace and you’ll have access to it for 12 months.


  • camera (DSLR or smartphone) and basic abilities to use it
  • an internet connection
  • editing software

3 reviews for Making the Most of Natural Light

  1. Pierrette

    Thank you Carolyn for this course on natural light it was very interesting and it allowed me to find several ways to play with light.

    • sixteenmilesout

      Thank you Pierrette for your kind words! And for taking the time to leave a review. ?

  2. Pamela Keller (verified owner)

    Thank you Carolyn for all the information you shared. I learned more about using natural light and different techniques. I enjoyed the course and look forward to practicing with the tips you provided! Your instructions are very easy to understand, which I appreciate, since I’ve never had a class on photography.

    • sixteenmilesout

      Thank you so much Pamela! I have enjoyed having you in the class. I’ll be watching for your work on Instagram. ?

  3. Debra

    Thank you Carolyn for sharing your ideas and knowledge on natural light. I was able to think about light differently in our new home.

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