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1st Quarter Prompt List

Here's help to get your creativity going! A prompt list has always helped me. Several of you have said you'd like me to put one together, so here it is.

I did a poll on Instagram asking what you'd prefer ... a daily or weekly list. Most requested a weekly list, so I've set it up that way, but you can use the same prompt and put together as many images as you like. Post daily with the same prompt if you like. There are so many ways you can capture one individual prompt.

Please save the image with the list, or bookmark this page so you can come back to it. Or, I'll also be posting it on my Instagram stories and you can find it in my Highlights.

When you post, be sure to tag your images #stilllifecultivated so we can all see what you're doing.

I'm excited to see all of your work!

promp list

