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garden to still life

The sunflowers seem to grow wild in my yard since that first year I dug the tiny little holes to plant these happy yellow beauties. This year I didn't plant any, but these pretty flowers came back to bless my yard once again. ... READ the POST

longing for fall

Fresh apples, shades of brown and burnt orange, golden leaves ... These last few days, the air has been cooler and the wind has been blowing. After the long hot days of summer, fall is on my mind. And for some reason, I've been going through photos I took last year and these autumn images have ... READ the POST

how is your quiet time spent

Picture this ... an unseasonably cool summer day ... There's a good breeze blowing through the opened windows ... You pick up your current read and favorite drink and maybe some chocolates ... Then you sit, listening to the wind blow, taking a deep breath ... other than the wind, it's quiet ...   ... READ the POST

tips for using aperture

Have you ever taken a photo and been so disappointed because of the way it came out? Well, of course you have ... we all have. You either can't see the subject because of the busy background, or been unable to bring the background to life because you can't get a good enough focus on it? ... READ the POST

a day in the mountains

Ah ... that mountain air ... the evergreens are now lining the side of the road and we're on those familiar curves that take us into that glorious place we get to call home for a week! Excitement fills the car as we quickly approach Dinkey Creek. ... READ the POST
