One day, as Grandma was pouring her coffee, she called me over to watch. I didn't know what I was about to see, but everything Grandma did was fun. So I walked over and she showed me the most beautiful thing.
As she poured the cream into her cup, it began to dance its way through the rich dark color of the coffee. Swirling this way and then the next, making graceful movements as it found a place to settle in that cup of hers.
Grandmas are special. Whether they do fun things like this or not, they are creating memories that you'll treasure for a lifetime.
If there were a 'Best Grandma Ever' contest, I know mine would win. 😉
A little tribute to
Virginia Ann Zornes Tognazzini
July 10, 1911-August 18, 1998
I get my 'V' from her
Doodlebug Designz says
How beautiful and a beautiful memory as well!
sixteenmilesout says
Thanks Debra! ?
Doodlebug Designz says
You’re welcome.
Irene says
So precious . . .
sixteenmilesout says
She was precious … ♥️
Pamela Keller says
Thank you for sharing this sweet story! Lovely memories ❤️
sixteenmilesout says
Awe … thank you!
KPMominTexas says
Love that!!
sixteenmilesout says
Thanks Kelly! ?