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Photo Challenge

In these days, many of us have more time on our hands than usual. So, I thought I'd give you an idea of something to occupy a little of that time.

This challenge can be done with any camera. It's been quite a few years, but my brother and I did this a few times and had so much fun. So, I encourage you do to it with a friend.

Here is what you do:

  • Stand in one space, or within a designated amount of space ... 3 ft, the corner of your yard, one still life set up, etc.
  • Take 15 minutes to shoot as many pictures as you can, looking for ...
    • different angles
    • different focal points
    • highlighting one part of the scene up close
    • from above
    • etc
  • Share those images with your friend and/or on your social media account (if you share on Instagram, tag me so I can see them! 🙂 @sixteenmilesout

Have fun shooting! I hope I get to see what you've come up with! 🙂

Always Carolyn


  1. Had some time today to play along , thanks so much for the opportunity such an inspiring challenge .
