Or maybe it's coffee you prefer? When I think of a cup of tea, I think of 'me time'. We all need it ... but do we all get it? It can sound kind of selfish just taking time for yourself. At least that's what I use to think.
I've come to realize over the years though, how important it is to have that time just to myself where ...
- I can think, or not think
- I can be productive or I can just sit still
- I can create or I can just scroll through Instagram and look at your creativity
- I can have tea or I can ...
My life is full. Each day, time to myself is a necessity. And I believe the same is true for you.
Sometimes that time is found in that quiet sixteen-mile car ride home. Other times I find it in a nice cup of hot tea.
Other days I find it in that walk I take around the property.
Or just in sitting on my couch watching one of my favorite shows, House Hunter's International ... dreaming of a quiet life abroad.
And I can't forget to mention time in the Word or just in His presence. But then if you know me, you know how important that is in my life. 🙂
With 'me time' there is a calmness takes over my life. It's easier to please me. Noises and activity don't bother me. My soul is at peace.
What I'm wanting to impress is that 'me time' is important. It refreshes your soul and enables you to accomplish the tasks before you.
So, have that cup of something that makes you slow down, or do that little activity that is just for you.
Enjoy your day!
Debra Miller says
Very nice Carolyn. It’s very important to all of us to have “me time”.
sixteenmilesout says
Thanks Debra. Yes it is. I try to get it any chance I get.
Kelly says
It is sometimes hard for me to have “me time” and not feel guilty-except of course when it is spent with the Lord. I guess there is balance to be had. Do the work required and then don’t feel guilty in the rest time. As moms, we have had so little of it and then when no working outside the home, I feel a sense of guilt if I do something other than work while my husband is at work. But when he is home resting, I’m still working on dinner, clean up etc. Reminding myself to keep balance!! ????
sixteenmilesout says
I can understand that Kelly! I use to feel bad too when I wasn’t ‘working’ when Jim was at work. God’s given both of us different jobs though and different amounts of time at home. We’re made different too … as you know … and I just try to live to the fullest the life God’s given me. And sometimes that means I get breaks while Ji’ms hard at work. I’m glad you’re trying to keep balance in your life! 🙂