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Fall Tree sm.jpgI have to say that I love something about all of the seasons. It seems that I love them most as we are approaching them … In winter, I long for the fresh breezes and flowers spring provides, as spring comes close to an end I can hardly wait for the warmer days of summer. November_0225 sm.jpgAfter a few months of summer, I’m so hot, I long for cozy days sitting by the fire in a warm sweater and cozy blanket. Have you heard the quote … ‘Autumn, the years last loveliest smile’ by William Cullen Bryant … It truly is!

I love autumn! Where I live, we don’t have whole patches of trees that change color, but the vines are stunning.

As I drive through the roads that lead me home, this time of year it’s as though God draped a coat of many colors across the hills. I’m not into magic, but there is something truly magical about what happens to the earth in Autumn.

Autumn.jpgThe landscape is God’s art and then there’s what I do with my bits and pieces of nature that I gather. Making still life out of nature is something I truly love. It’s just another great way of capturing it’s beauty.

_MG_8510 Evening Light-1.jpg

I hope you enjoyed today’s post. Thanks for following along.





