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soft and dreamy

An adorable little cast iron teapot, pretty and tiny pink flowers, scissors and an old-fashioned piece of fabric.  Anyone can pick up a camera and snap off some pictures. With a good camera, they can turn out great even without any training. You can even get a soft and dreamy shot without training. ... READ the POST


This month a very exciting thing happened for me! Actually, it started a couple of months ago when my friend Debra from Doodlebug Designz told me about an Instagram account she stumbled across. She thought I might be interested in following them because they share the same religious values as me. ... READ the POST


The life of a tulip is such an interesting thing to watch. Before I started doing still life photography when they began to droop I would toss them. Now, because of taking photos of them, I've kept them around for a longer time and have thoroughly enjoyed each of the stages of this unique bit of ... READ the POST

a study with light

Natural light is pretty much always my choice in Still Life Photography, but sometimes it's fun to play around with other types of light just to see what you come up with. The difference can be drastic or can be so subtle. Today the difference was pretty subtle.  ... READ the POST

What is my meditation

There was this one day when suddenly I realized I needed to read my Bible. I believe that's a realization we all come to at some time or other in our lives. In those early days, my need was so strong that I just read and read. I didn't know what it was that I was reading. I didn't understand a lot ... READ the POST

my favorite lens

  A main focus in my photography these days has been in Still Life. With that, my favorite lens is my 50mm. I've had this great little 50mm 1.8 lens for a really long time and it has served me well. Recently I upgraded that lens to a 1.4 and I love it even more! The depth of field and the ... READ the POST
