Did you know that there's this beautiful community of female photographers where you can ...
- post your pictures (with no pressure of likes)
- receive feedback if you want
- get serious critiques
- have all the tutorials you can imagine
- participate in competitions and challenges
- make new friends and so much more!
There are actually two parts to the Click Community. One is as a Click Community Member and the other is a Click Pro Elite.
The first is just a community, the second is a program where you have to qualify to become a part of. It can be a process ... well, it is a process ... you have to put together 150 of your best images and submit them to a team who scores your work and if you meet the score, you are a Click Pro Elite. I went through that process several years ago now and after my second try I was accepted.
I truly love being part of this community and I think you could love it too!
For the Click Pro Elite I can sponsor one person a year ... maybe that's you! If you're interested, either comment below or send me an email and I can help you with the details. 🙂
To join Click Community, click the first button below. To apply to become a Click Pro Elite, send me an email or comment below and I'll give you my code.