If you could choose just one word that would be your word for the year, what would it be? This is something I started a few years back and it’s become a tradition that I love. I heard about it through a devotional I read on my Bible app.
Probably most of us have tried making New Year’s resolutions … I hear that for most, they don’t work. I know positively that is true for me. I suppose it’s because we’re trying to remove habits from our lives and that’s truly a difficult thing to do.
So, my word for the year …
You can come up with your word however you like. But what I do is I pray. Just a short little prayer. And then I keep it on my mind for a few days until I know. There are words that pop into my head and I wonder if they are the one. Sometimes it’s the first word I hear and other times it’s a few words down the line. But I always just know that the word I say yes to is the word God has for me.
Why ‘delight’? or What will I do with the word ‘delight’? I believe it will be something God helps me concentrate on in every area of my life. We can be an unsatisfied and unhappy people. I feel called to delight myself in all things good. So, as I approach 2018, I will choose to delight myself in my daily tasks, in my relationships, in my status I hold in this life I live.
It will be a good year.
If you’d like to read what I first read about ‘One Word’ click on the link above to the Bible app or to go directly to the site this originated from, click here.
Contentment. This year and every year. A word that allows change without distress. Nice post.
I like that Laurel! Contentment is a good word!