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As I picked up my camera with the prompt of 'reflection' in mind my thought process completely changed.

I hadn't planned on doing the verse with this image, but I couldn't stop thinking about it both as I was taking, editing and posting it. It's so true ... as I look in this mirror, I don't see all there is to see. I only see part and that part is blurred ... it isn't fully seen or known. 

I hadn't planned on doing the verse with this image, but I couldn't stop thinking about it both as I was taking it, editing and posting. It's so true ... as I look in this mirror, I don't see all there is to see. I only see part and that part is blurred ... it isn't clear. 

And that is how it is when we think of heaven ... we don't see all ... we don't know all ... we only see part and our vision of that isn't full. We have what the Word tells us, but we will only know fully once we get there. 

This mirror and the lamp you see in the reflection are pieces from Mom ... it may seem that my house must be full of her things. It really isn't ... but I do have several of her things. Not only in a physical sense, but in a personality sense. I am a reflection of Mom in many ways. And so I give you this mirror and the reflection as I ponder the reflection I am of her. May I honor in the way I live and reflect my heritage I received from her. 

What do you reflect in your day to day life? It's something to think about.

Carolyn Watson-0918

And that is how it is when we think of heaven ... we don't see all ... we don't know all ... we only see part and our vision of that isn't full. We have what the Word tells us, but we will only know fully once we get there.

1 Corinthians 13:12

This mirror and the lamp you see in the reflection are pieces from Mom ... it may seem that my house must be full of her things. It really isn't ... but I do have several of her things. Not only in a physical sense, but in a personality sense. I am a reflection of Mom in many ways. And so I give you this mirror and the reflection as I ponder the reflection I am of her. May I honor in the way I live and reflect my heritage I received from her.

My goal is to reflect God ... I am created in His image. I reflect Him as well. May I honor God more in the days to come as I strive to be a reflection of Him.

What do you reflect?

Always Carolyn Margenta

p.s. The prompt I mentioned is something I'm leading over on Instagram. You are welcome to join us if you're interested.
