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the window

WindowAs I walk through my home glancing in to check the light, sometimes all I see is the clutter that has gathered in there. Evidently, the light isn’t right yet … otherwise, it would be that, that I see. This room once devoted to crafts with my counter height table and neatly filled containers lined across the back is getting more and more full of miscellaneous and wonderful still life props. 

So I wait and I tend to other things … editing, chores … working in my yard before I head back down the hallway once again checking the light.

It’s the middle of the day that offers the best light. I know that, yet I still glance in, in between the chores, checking to see if something is happening in the window that I might have missed before. And, believe it or not, it does change! The light gives me surprises and I have to go and grab my camera so that I can catch it. One of the keys to catching that light is having something set up and ready to go … or at least partially set up. 😉

_MG_5082-1There’s something about the light being high enough in the sky that it shines brightly into the room without casting too many harsh shadows. And the bokeh that I get in the background is just stunning sometimes! You can only see a bit of the bokeh in this photo, but you get the picture. We have a tree in the front yard and the way the light comes through the branches helps this beautiful bokeh to be created.

All of this to say this window is my favorite spot for my still life photography. Follow along and you’ll see more examples of this gorgeous light that comes in through the window.

