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light & shadows

_MG_9870-1 sm.jpgDon’t you just love how every day holds something different for you? Even if you’re doing the same things every day, there’s something new in each one of them. Something I love to watch that changes even with every moment of the day is the light and shadows that come through the windows in my country home. I could just sit and watch them for hours … as they’re moving from side to side, getting brighter throughout the day, and then dimming as we head towards evening. Who would’ve thought such a simple thing as this could create such beauty and interest.

In photography, shadows are a beautiful thing. Used in the best way, they can help to create beautiful images. I’ve learned to enjoy and embrace them in my creative ventures. Sometimes in life, we don’t necessarily enjoy the shadows, but they are a part of life that comes and goes. How we respond in those shadow times can make a big difference in our level of happiness.


For me, I have to decide if I’m going to fight the shadows in those rough and dark times that come in life or rest in the shadow of the One who can help. Psalm 63-7.jpg

Where are your light and shadows falling in this moment?

Until we meet again …

