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soul food

Tea is in order for this lovely day … I suppose it’s something for every day! So, a cup of tea and something for the soul … can’t do without the Word of God … it sustains me … revives me …

What is your help? What is it you go to to be revived and sustained? It’s been 30 years since I came to know Jesus … He saved me from some pretty crazy things. One day I’ll share my testimony here. It’s a powerful one!  So, the only way I made it through those first days, weeks, months was to be reading the Bible. I read it constantly during my waking hours those first months. Back then I only had my physical Bible … which I love! Now I use an app in addition to the book I can carry around.

_MG_4872-1The Bible app is my favorite! With my busy schedule, I never know where I’ll be having some time to kill and knowing I can have my Bible with me everywhere I go without having to lug along the big thick book that sits on my desk makes life so much easier! Not to mention of course the wonderful plans YouVersion offers. You can either dive into a Bible reading plan that is strictly the Word or a devotional plan. I like to do both at once.

Right now I’m going through two plans … A Moment with Scripture and Awake Our Souls.

I still need the Bible regularly to keep me going … I depend on the words in the pages to encourage me and to help me to deal with the daily goings on.

“in Him we live and move and have our being …

Without Him and His word I truly would be nothing. If you’re considering reading the Bible, but don’t know where to start, I say the book of Psalms. It’s good easy reading.

Questions or comments … be sure to leave them below.

