Last week I wrote about the night of my salvation. You can read that here if you like. Today, I thought I'd share a little about my walk with Jesus. I think some of you might have been a little freaked out reading about that long day. I would have been had it not been my own life.
As a young girl, I had learned there was a God. In fact, through my grandparent's church, I learned that 'there's not a spot where God is not'. It was a Christian Science church and that fact they taught me is the absolute truth.
As a teen, I went to a Baptist church, accepted Jesus as my Savior and was baptized, but didn't really know what that meant or continue in that direction of seeking after more of God.
As a young Mom, watching the 700 Club on TV, I also accepted Jesus as my Savior ... how many times does a person do this!? I was seeking and not knowing what I was seeking for.
As I truly began my walk with Jesus, my days were spent reading the Bible. Other than caring for my children, feeding them, playing with them, etc., all of my time was spent reading. I remember telling my Pastor how many times I had read through the New Testament. I don't remember the length of time or how many times I had read it, but I do remember the look of shock on his face when I told him.
The Bible tells us to long for the word so that by it we will grow in respect to salvation. There was a longing in me that I didn't make up myself. A longing that wasn't present the other two times I had asked Jesus into my heart. God put the longing there. I needed it like I needed the three meals a day I was eating with my family.
That hunger for more of God and His word has continued throughout these 31 years. It's definitely been at different levels over the years. I don't read all day anymore. Who has the time for that! ... but I read every day ... except for the days I miss ... 😉
Living this life with God is my life. Without Him I would be nothing! His Word, the Bible, is a guidebook, a storybook, a hymnal. It's so full of information and interesting things. It's life itself.
If you're a believer then you know. If you're not ... check it out. You just might be surprised at how full it is.
Maybe you've tried looking to God and nothing happened, kind of like it did with me. I just encourage you to keep on seeking ... keep on asking ... it will happen. Have you asked Him into your heart? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below.
Be blessed today!

Thank you Marie! 🙂