One of my goals through still life photography is to save memories. These objects that I have sitting around my house may not always be here and so over time, I'm photographing some of the special treasures as a way of saving them.
This was my Grandma Tognazzini's cream pitcher. It was one of the bits of her that was given to me after her death.
Sometimes we don't realize what a treasure something is until the person who gave it to you is gone.
My niece Tracy gave me this little Bee in a Bonnet trinket. It's the only gift she ever gave me as an adult. She passed on when she was 21.
That doesn't mean just take pictures of everything you own because one day it might be a treasure. But this is a great way to preserve a memory. Little ceramic or wooden items break. Cloth and plastic items fall apart. Things get lost in moves.
Take pictures of your children or grandchildren's artwork ... or your own. Sometimes saving things digitally is a little safer than the back closet.
One day, someone will look back on these things and know a little more about you and your life.
Do you have things you might want to photograph today? You might want to take a look around just to see. 🙂
Your visits and comments are much appreciated!
Doodlebug Designz says
Beautiful photographs of some beautiful treasures!
sixteenmilesout says
Thank you Debra! This is a good way to get away from photographing mostly flowers. Although I do have some flowers mixed in.
Doodlebug Designz says
It is but the main focus wasn’t flowers just a nice accompaniment ?
sixteenmilesout says
That is true. And I suppose that’s a good way to change things up a bit.
laurelbledsoe says
We just suggested to a client to photo hundreds of “event” t-shirts and make a photo book for the memories and let the actual shirts go. If you were there..I am sure you could add in some flowers somehow!-
sixteenmilesout says
That’s a great idea Laurel! You’re so right! I do love photographing flowers.