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summer mornings

A slight breeze normally flows through the house on summer mornings. We opened the windows the evening before. The heat of summer cools down quickly once we get close to the setting of the sun here on the Central Coast. As I step outside into the backyard, the kittens start meowing asking for breakfast. The birds are singing their morning song and the flowers are doing their little dance to the beat of the breeze. The magenta and purple of the butterfly bush, the full lavender bush and the geraniums give such a great splash of color to this otherwise golden yard. And my sunflowers … I love them! They add just the perfect pop of yellow and are stunning against the gorgeous blue sky.

A perfect time to stop and look at what I might be able to photograph later this morning. But it’s so quiet out …

I need to just sit and enjoy …

Something I rarely do. As I stop, I take in a deep breath and appreciate this beauty God has placed me in. I take a moment, a break …

Summer mornings are that for me … a time to stop and enjoy …

… breathe

… look

… listen


The sun is beginning to peek over the mountains to the east …

this quiet morning will be gone before I know it.

I go ahead and pick a little lavender … checking it for the tiny little bugs that hide between the petals …

In the house I go …

What are your summer mornings like?




