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where does the time go

Who is this woman, who just turned 59? Graying hairs making their way through the dark brown mass that’s adorned this head for what feels like so little but has added up to so many years. I look at my girls and it’s hard to believe that they’re in their 30’s … that’s where I feel like I should be. Obviously, I am a Gramma … I have nine adorable little ones that call me by that name. It seems like just yesterday though …

1979 …

Could it really be true … yes … I’m pregnant! Jim and I are expecting our first child, due in February of 1980 … such excitement in our little home. 

It seems like yesterday …


Miranda was growing so beautifully and quickly! She was such a content and precious little baby and we didn’t want that special time to end, so we began trying for another. It took a little longer than we had hoped,  but then after 3 years and six weeks, Mercedes came into our lives in March of 1983. What a blessing she was and is … and then we hardly blinked and Marina was here just 13 months and two weeks later May 1984. Our little surprise, but life would never be the same if we didn’t have her! And now these three beautiful girls of ours have graced our lives with nine of the next best things to your own children … grandchildren! ♥

20799529_10211553533331321_3088651718320790812_nBut really, where did the time go?! Sometimes my thoughts take me back to my childhood and my early adult years and it’s just so hard to believe that I’m not that young girl or that young mom raising her girls … life really slips by!

This really is me and my husband, Jim … I have 59 years behind me … that means 59 years of life and experiences beyond what I might have ever thought would be part of who I am. So, I embrace those 59 years and am thankful to have them. God is good!





  1. And you look amazing! Time flies doesn’t it? I feel like I am still the girl I once was, albeit wiser and a tad more cynical. But our core does not change and we only strengthen the gifts we were given. Embrace those gray hairs Carolyn!

  2. What a beautiful post and a beautiful family! Time does fly by! I often wish my own kids were little again….but on the other hand……You look fabulous. Much younger than your years! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
