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The scent is just gorgeous … unfortunately for me, I can’t have it in the house for very long. But I love the flowers … and purple is one of my favorite colors … little side note, I’ve been a green and brown girl most of my life. When I became an adult I felt the need to add a splash of color … purple was perfect!

She does love lavender because it is the color of transformation.
Felicity Huffman

It just so happens that lavender grows wonderfully out where I live. The ground is like clay, so not much does well here. I can basically just dig a hole … I guess like most people in town do and the lavender takes off. I had to pull a bush out once because it grew so huge I couldn’t see the rest of my yard! _MG_2597 sm

This is a new lavender plant and as you can see, it’s doing great! In my still life photography, since it’s free and grows so wildly out here, you’ll see a good amount of lavender.

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I just read that there are 47 known species of lavender … that’s so hard to believe. I’ve only seen a few types myself. I actually have three different types of lavender in my yard. It’s a little difficult to see, but all three that I have are in the miniature glass vase below.

Thanks for stopping by … see you soon!

