Still life was a harried and crazy adventure when I first began. The very words 'still life' made it sound to me like it would be something calming and peaceful. The latter didn't come close to describing how I felt when this journey began. But, like with everything in life, changes happen. We grow ... READ the POST
creating bokeh
The onset of cooler and shorter days brings on more interest in adding pretty lights to photos. So, I thought I'd share a couple of little tips with you. Bokeh in photography can be beautiful! You can capture it with electrical lights, candlelight, and natural light. Sometimes I like to ... READ the POST
a soft look
Getting that soft look in your photography can be easier than you think. Let's look at how you can soften the look of your photographs. First of all, you'll want to shoot wide open - That means to have your camera set at the highest aperture you can ... which is actually the lowest number in the AV ... READ the POST
soft and dreamy
An adorable little cast iron teapot, pretty and tiny pink flowers, scissors and an old-fashioned piece of fabric. Anyone can pick up a camera and snap off some pictures. With a good camera, they can turn out great even without any training. You can even get a soft and dreamy shot without training. ... READ the POST
a study with light
Natural light is pretty much always my choice in Still Life Photography, but sometimes it's fun to play around with other types of light just to see what you come up with. The difference can be drastic or can be so subtle. Today the difference was pretty subtle. ... READ the POST
my favorite lens
A main focus in my photography these days has been in Still Life. With that, my favorite lens is my 50mm. I've had this great little 50mm 1.8 lens for a really long time and it has served me well. Recently I upgraded that lens to a 1.4 and I love it even more! The depth of field and the ... READ the POST