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flowers & you

Because of the special care I give to my flowers, they thrive. I water them, deadhead them and make sure they're in a place where they'll do their best. And then when they're at that most perfect place, I bring them in and shower them with my love and affection. I carefully scan my ... READ the POST

garden to still life

When Jim planted this bush, neither of us realized that it would grow to about 5 feet wide and produce these pretty little pink flowers. It's come in handy over the last few years in my still life journey. Being able to use my garden to supply the florals for my photography has definitely cut ... READ the POST

grandma’s cream pitcher

She made everything special for me and made me feel like I was very special to her. When I was with her, I was comfortable and accepted. I could be silly with her. She always had a smile on her face and love in her heart. I could truly be me. One year after my Dad died, Mom let me spend a ... READ the POST

16 day photo challenge

Good morning! ... good afternoon or maybe good evening where you live. I guess we’re all in different time zones! Do you ever get in a rut and just wish you had a few ideas of things to photograph? I do! Over the years I’ve participated in photography challenges and thought it would be fun to do ... READ the POST

simplicity in still life

It's my hashtag ... I suppose ... I was the first to use it and that's why I say it's mine. But you use it, so I suppose it's yours too. What exactly does simplicity in still life mean? My initial thoughts for this hashtag had to do with still life photography done in a simplistic way. Because that ... READ the POST
