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it’s my birthday!

Today's a big day I suppose. I've turned 60! Such a big number! It really doesn't feel real. Although the gray hair is coming through and I have a few wrinkles around my eyes, I really don't associate myself with that age. But it is real. And truly I've earned it. And so I will embrace ... READ the POST

a weekend away

Just across the valley, nestled at the foot of the mountains is the mighty Kaweah. We've stopped there many times over the years as we head towards the mountains in the back. Sometimes for a weekend in the snow and others for a week-long camping trip. Most times we've had the whole family with us, ... READ the POST

where does the time go

Who is this woman, who just turned 59? Graying hairs making their way through the dark brown mass that's adorned this head for what feels like so little but has added up to so many years. I look at my girls and it's hard to believe that they're in their 30's ... that's where I feel like I should be. ... READ the POST
