A quiet morning with the sun just peeking over the edge of the mountains to the east, birds chirping in the yard and a distant sound of a dog barking or coyote howling. Jim's off to work and I have the day to myself. ... READ the POST
summer mornings
A slight breeze normally flows through the house on summer mornings. We opened the windows the evening before. The heat of summer cools down quickly once we get close to the setting of the sun here on the Central Coast. As I step outside into the backyard, the kittens start meowing asking for ... READ the POST
my yard's offerings
Mine isn't a normal yard like you might have. Sixteen miles out and the water isn't that great. And so we don't have green grass or any lucious plants. It takes a rugged plant to survive the heat and scorching sun of summer out here where the shade from a tree is sparse. The plants I have, I ... READ the POST
We raised our girls at our place in town. When we found it we were thrilled! Jim had lost his job the year before after his boss died and we moved from our 3 bedroom home to a 2 bedroom apartment closer to his new job and our new church. After 7 challenging months in that tiny place, God provided us ... READ the POST
changing it up
Flowers seem to be a favorite subject of mine ... how can I help that though! They're so pretty! During the spring when we had so many wildflowers it was easy ... and free! Now that the wildflowers are gone I've had to start thinking a little bit different. I'll still be photographing flowers, it's ... READ the POST
red ants & hot summer days
Who knew we'd see days over 100º so early in the summer! June is often a month of varied weather. We've even had rain and cloudy days in June some years. Not this year though. It's been as high as 107º here this past week. With that kind of heat, the ants come out in the cool of the evening. I ... READ the POST